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All works are subject to NZ Copyright Act 1994. By downloading a publication, you are agreeing to use it for your internal (company) reference only.
Further distribution of WMAI Codes of Practice is expressly forbidden, is in conflict with the terms of your WMAI membership, and subject to remedy by law.

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The WMAI are continuing to develop a range of Codes of Practice for waterproofing membranes for all situations.
It is anticipated that bi-annual revisions of all documents will be made, or at such other times when there is a need for review.

IWAM – Internal Wet Area Membrane

Code of Practice

First published 2014, now in 7th edition release 2024

Here is why you need this document:

  • Sections 1-4 now cited as E3/AS2 by MBIE
  • Comprehensive best practice guide for all participants in the construction chain
  • Encompasses all types of internal waterproofing materials fit for purpose and their installation methods
  • Learn which areas in your building must be waterproofed to gain compliance!

PDF Download

Buy Now $ 85.00

Hard Copy

Buy Now $ 85.00

RMBM – Reinforced Modified Bitumen Membrane

(formally knowns as Torch-on)

Code of Practice

First published 2008, now in 4th edition release 2021

Here is why you need this document:

  • Recognised compliance pathway by TA’s
  • Proven industry standard document
  • Comprehensive best practice guide for all participants in the construction chain
  • Know your APP from your APAO from your SBS!

PDF Download

Buy Now $ 85.00

Hard Copy

Buy Now $ 85.00

BGT – Below Grade Tanking

Code of Practice

First published 2023

Here is why you need this document:

  • Fills the current void for below grade tanking in the NZBC
  • Comprehensive best practice guide for all participants in the construction chain
  • Encompasses all types of tanking materials fit for purpose and their installation methods
  • Know your liquid from your sheet from your mat!

PDF Download

Buy Now $ 285.00

Hard Copy

Buy Now $ 285.00